Community Standards

Consistent with the mission of University of Bridgeport, the primary purpose for the imposition of discipline in the Code of Community Standards is to protect the health, welfare, safety, and educational mission of the University community and to prepare students for their life in an increasingly globalized society.

The University’s student conduct system emphasizes the development of each individual’s acceptance of his or her own personal and social responsibilities through the following core beliefs:

  • Understanding for the varying backgrounds of all those that make up our community and respecting the differences that bring a richness to the fabric and culture of the University
  • Respect for oneself and others, seeing the value that each student, faculty, and staff member brings to the community in which we are a part of and respecting them as individuals
  • Responsibility for our personal choices so that we do not cause harm, whether in words or action, to those around us

An educational and humanistic approach to discipline is employed whenever possible. The student conduct system and appeals processes are designed to provide and help maintain an atmosphere within the University community that is conducive to academic pursuits. Severe disciplinary action against a student, such as separation, is considered and invoked only for serious or repeated offenses which adversely impact member(s) of the University community or which may jeopardize the University’s mission.

FERPA Guide    FERPA Release Form

Information for Parents

Tips on How to Help Your Student through the Student Conduct Process

  • Speak with your student about what has happened. Listen critically to what they say about what happened.
  • Discuss honestly with your student responsible decision making and how it affects their future. Be open to discussing difficult topics, such as substance abuse, intimate relationships, and other potentially risky behavior.
  • Discuss with your student your expectations for his/her behavior while s/he is attending University of Bridgeport.
  • Encourage your student to personal responsibility for their choices and actions. Help them learn to not blame others for consequences resulting from their own personal choices.
  • Make sure your student knows the student conduct process. Encourage them to review Chapter 5 (Student Conduct) of the Key to UB: Student Handbook.
  • Be firm in your approach when speaking with your student, but always keep the lines of communication open to allow for honest conversations.

Parental Notification Policy

The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) affords students certain rights with respect to their education records; therefore, when a student is involved in the student conduct process, the Office of Housing and Residential Life can only speak directly to student regarding the matter unless a waiver form is completed by the student authorizing us to speak with his/her Parent/Guardian.

For details regarding Parental/Legal Guardian Notification process, please visit the FERPA page.

Contact Student Affairs

  • Phone203‑576‑4273
  • Email

Craig Lennon, Dean of Students
John J. Cox Student Center, Room 116
244 University Ave
Bridgeport, CT 06604

Student Affairs Team    Submit a Student of Concern Report
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